Don’t want to grow old before your time? Then you better give up these 5 “harmless” habits

According to doctors, even young brains begin to work worse because of them

Don't want to grow old before your time? Then you better give up these 5 “harmless” habits
The human brain has already begun to work worse over the years, but some habits accelerate this process even more. As a result, already at the age of 30–40, some people think no faster than a pensioner and complain about forgetfulness. And some people develop early dementia because of these 5 habits. Now we’ll tell you how we harm our brain every day.

Constantly lacking sleep 

According to doctors, if you systematically give yourself just a few hours of sleep, it will affect the state of your brain.

“The brain must rest at least 6–7 hours a day, otherwise this leads to brain aging and a decrease in cognitive abilities,” says geriatrician Valentina Yampolskaya.

Lack of sleep also has another dangerous consequence.

“Lack of sleep can lead to the accumulation of toxic beta-amyloid protein, which increases the risk of dementia,” warns doctor Nadezhda Podkorytova.

To help you fall asleep easily, experts advise not to drink coffee or alcohol in the evening and always go to bed at the same time.

— So that you can fall asleep peacefully and on time, you should not engage in any intense mental activity in the evening. A clear work and rest schedule is what is needed to prevent early brain aging,”

We eat sausages and sausages

Sausage, sausages, ham, and bacon are types of processed meat that are not at all healthy for the body. First of all, these products are dangerous because they cause obesity, which in turn harms the brain.

The geriatrician adds: if you eat processed meat, then no more than once a week and in limited quantities. And after 60 years, there should be no sausages in the diet at all. Moreover, there is something to replace them with. “You should choose healthier sources of protein over sausages and sausages: fish, poultry, nuts and beans,”

We move little 

Inactivity, or physical inactivity, is harmful to the brain in itself, but, in addition, it leads to cardiovascular diseases and, moreover, obesity.

“If obesity adds 1% to the risk of developing cognitive impairment in the future, then physical inactivity adds 2%,” says the geriatrician.

To not only look but also think about your age, the doctor advises spending at least two and a half hours a week on physical activity. What to do at this time is not so important. If you don’t want to go to the gym or run in the park, then you can just walk around the apartment, do household chores, or, if you have a dog, take a walk with your pet in the fresh air.

We are often left alone 

According to Valentina Yampolskaya, being cut off from the rest of the world is a direct path to depression, which increases the risk of premature brain aging by 4%.

In addition, many older people experience social isolation when they retire and stop socializing. American neurologist Zaldi Tan says that when interacting with society, the human brain processes large amounts of information, which prevents him from aging.

“When we don’t do this, some neural connections begin to break down. This can accelerate cognitive decline, says Zaldy Tan.

The result of long-term social isolation, according to Nadezhda Podkorytova, maybe a high risk of dementia. And so that the brain does not grow old, you need to be in society as often as possible. It is especially important for older people to communicate with their grandchildren or attend hobby groups.
“If there are no relatives, it is better to move to a boarding house where an elderly person can communicate with other people,

Over-salting the food 

Doctors advise us not to forget that salt is already contained in all the foods we eat. Therefore, adding salt to the finished dish is harming yourself.

– This contributes to changes in the vascular wall, cholesterol deposition, the formation of hypertension, as well as brain aging and, as a result, increases the risk of developing dementia,” says the geriatrician.

There is especially a lot of salt in fast food, processed foods, and other processed foods. All this should be excluded from the menu for those who want to think quickly for as long as possible.

Instead of salt Rospotrebnadzor recommends adding lemon juice, tarragon, coriander, or dried vegetables to your food – for example, bell pepper. And if you can’t imagine your life without this spice, you should at least switch from table salt to Adyghe salt – it contains vitamins B, C, D, and E, and the garlic it contains strengthens the immune system.

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