In an era where we eat well and live well, there is no need for nutritional supplements… It is best to eat a balanced diet

Myung Seung-Kwon, Dean of Graduate School of International Cancer Graduate School, National Cancer Center
Myung Seung-Kwon, Dean of Graduate School of International Cancer Graduate School, National Cancer Center “Studies have also shown that high ...
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Mpox virus is spreading at an alarming rate in Africa

Mpox virus is spreading at an alarming rate in Africa
The health authorities are already recording significantly more Mpox cases than in the whole of last year. The virus poses ...
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NTI explained the importance of alternative proteins for the world’s population

NTI explained the importance of alternative proteins for the world's population
NTI FoodNet expert Olga Orlova said that alternative proteins are necessary to preserve the environment, food supply, and people’s health. ...
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Don’t want to grow old before your time? Then you better give up these 5 “harmless” habits

Don't want to grow old before your time? Then you better give up these 5 “harmless” habits
According to doctors, even young brains begin to work worse because of them Constantly lacking sleep  According to doctors, if ...
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It’s just pointless! Scientists have proven that taking multivitamins makes no difference to your health.

It's just pointless! Scientists have proven that taking multivitamins makes no difference to your health
It is impossible to live without vitamins in the modern world. Lack or total deficiency of one or more is ...
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Magic pill: can I take it? vitamins to improve your body health

Magic pill: can I take it? vitamins to improve your body health
Many people take a course of vitamins, wanting to get quick results and become healthy, but miracles do not happen. ...
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A new method to combat excess weight. You stick the patch and lose 7-8 kg in 10 days

A new method to combat excess weight. You stick the patch and lose 7-8 kg in 10 days
Amazing results from an innovative weight loss treatment developed by French Scientists. Simply stick a patch on your skin and ...
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Can allergies go away on their own?

Can allergies go away on their own?
You can become allergic at any age, but you can also manage to treat the symptoms. Sneezing, runny nose, reddened ...
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Slimming diets via social media…a risky trend

Slimming diets via social media...a risky trend
Influencers seeking to achieve fame on social media are turning into guinea pigs for the most popular diets currently available.Weight ...
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Grains group sees risks in Guidelines simulation

Grains group sees risks in Guidelines simulation
WASHINGTON — According to the Grain Foods Foundation, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee should exercise extreme caution when deciding how ...
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